Southside VA Association of REALTORS

SVAR Election Information

Join the leadership of SVAR! Providing resources, support and advocacy for local individual real estate agents, real estate firms, and affiliated businesses. Explore the benefits of a leadership role and take your real estate career to the next level.

SVAR is looking for candidates to fill the 2025 positions for 1-President-Elect and 1-Director of the SVAR Board of Directors. We need your help in identifying qualified individuals to carry on the success of our Association. Please find the attached candidate application forms for Director and President-Elect.

Everyone is encouraged to participate!

Apply for Director

The candidates for Director must meet these requirements:

  • An active and full time REALTOR® for 36 consecutive months.
  • A current member of SVAR for at least 1 year.
  • A Potential SVAR Board Member shall have be “actively engaged” and involved with one or more SVAR standing committees for at least a year.
  • All Candidates’ Financial Obligations to SVAR, VAR, NAR must be current at the time of application.
  • All Candidates’ Financial Obligations to SVAR, VAR, NAR must be current at the time of application.
  • All Candidates’ Financial Obligations to SVAR, VAR, NAR must be current at the time of application.
  • No more than two (2) members from the same firm shall serve on the Board of Directors at the same time.
  • All requirements for Directors and Officers must be met at the time of application.
  • The Director shall have no violations of the regulations of the Virginia Real Estate Board or Code of Ethics within 36 months of application.

Apply for President-Elect

The candidates for President-Elect must meet these requirements::

  • An active and full time REALTOR for 36 consecutive months.
  • A current primary member of SVAR.
  • Candidates for President-Elect must meet one or more of the following eligibility requirements :
    1. • (i)have at least 1 year experience as a Association Director on the current SVAR Board of Directors, or
    2. • (ii)completed a term on a previous SVAR Board of Directors and still be “actively engaged” and involved with one or more SVAR standing or qualifying committees.
  • All Candidates’ Financial Obligations to SVAR, CVRMLS or VAR, NAR must be current at the time of application.
  • All requirements for President-Elect must be met at the time of application.
  • The President-Elect shall have no violations of the regulations of the Virginia Real Estate Board or Code of Ethics within 36 months of application.