We work to keep the American Dream alive! REALTORS® support legislation and representatives who are committed to protecting private property rights, promoting economic development, and maintaining a pro-business environment conducive to the practice of real estate.

Legislative Resources

Advocacy Committee Chairs

Larry Lewis and Ken Prichett

REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC)

What is RPAC of Virginia? RPAC of Virginia is a voluntary non-profit organization whose membership consists of REALTORS® and others interested in actively and effectively protecting the real estate industry and the dream of home ownership by participating in governmental affairs at the local, state and federal levels.

RPAC consists of many volunteer Members. From the RPAC of Virginia Trustees to the RPAC Subcommittee, we have over 60 individuals who make RPAC one of the most successful PACs in the nation (and there are 4,000 PACs). The RPAC of Virginia Trustees consist of 17 politically active REALTOR® Members from across the Commonwealth. They base their non-partisan funding decisions solely on REALTOR® related issues. The RPAC of Virginia Campaign Subcommittee consists of one or more campaign chairpersons from each local Association. Each chairperson is responsible for fundraising for their local association, and for reaching the local association’s Fair Share goal.

What's New!

SVAR is united in advocacy and voice!

REALTOR® members visited Richmond for the association’s Annual Day on the Hill. SVAR’s delegation started their day with a briefing on pertinent bills at the Virginia REALTORS® offices before heading to the Capitol Building to visit Delegate Jordan, Senator Aird, Delegate Coyner, Delegate Cherry and Delegate Wachsman, and Senator Sturtevant in their offices. They then headed to the General Assembly where they were introduced by Delegate Mike Cherry. 

SVAR Says 'Thanks' to RPAC Major Contributors

SVAR’s Legislative Affairs and RPAC committees held their annual Major Donor dinner at the Old Original Bookbinders to thank SVAR members who have contributed $250 or more to the REALTORS Political Action Committee of Virginia. 

It’s opportunities like this that are supported by RPAC contributions and keep association and REALTOR issues in front of representatives at the state and local levels. Thank you, all, for attending and for contributing to RPAC.

Support your profession! Contribute to RPAC now.